A Decision Support Technology for Choosing Candidates for a Vacancy
The technology is designed to facilitate selection of a candidate for a vacancy on competitive basis. Candidates are evaluated according to qualitative and quantitative criteria, formulated in accordance to employer's (decision-maker's) demands.
The technology allows to rate candidates in accordance to their compliance with the job's requirements. Obtained ratings help the employer to make the final decision concerning candidate selection. The technology is implemented in a decision support system for election of new members of the academy of sciences.
The Decision Support Technology for Choosing Candidates for a Vacancy involves the following stages:
• formation of an expert group which build a system of criteria to evaluate candidates for the vacancy;
• building of a hierarchy (system) of evaluation criteria (both qualitative and quantitative) by the group of experts;
• estimation of relative weights of criteria in the process of hierarchy building;
• compilation of a questionnaire for the candidates based on quantitative (objective) criteria;
• comparison of the candidates according to qualitative criteria, performed by the expert group, based on preliminary interviews with the candidates;
• calculation of the degrees of candidates' compliance with the job's requirements and building of their ratings, based on criteria hierarchy, questionnaire (survey) data and expert evaluation of the candidates according to qualitative criteria.