Dissertation of Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Defense of the dissertation «Models and methods of expert decision-making support for weakly-structured complex systems» for the degree of doctor of engineering sciences by V.Tsyganok took place on 19 November, 2013 in NTUU “KPI” of MES of Ukraine. Specialty is 01.05.04 – System analysis and optimal decisions theory.
The dissertation is focused on development of theoretical and technological principles for creating decision support tools to be used in weakly structured domains (complex sys-tems). Such systems are intended for usage under lack of objective information for deci-sion-making, when experts, competent professionals endowed with knowledge, experience and intuition, are the only information source. Developed tools enhance the reliability of recommendations given to decision-makers through improving the compliance of domain models with individual judgments of experts involved in these models creation. Compli-ance is enhanced through providing experts with an opportunity to use the scale that best fits the level of their competency in the issue under consideration for each specific pair comparison. Efficient methods for collection, processing and aggregation of information during carrying out of such expert examinations, and decision-making quality indicator, based on estimate stability, are developed.