Annual Conference of Operational Research Society (OR-52)
The Conferece took place on September 7 - 10 , 2010 in London, UK.
Laboratory presented two reports:
1. Tsyganok, Vitaliy A method for providing sufficient strict individual rankings’ consistency level while group decision-making with feedback / OR-52 Keynotes and Extended Abstracts, Operational Research Society Ltd., Royal Holloway University of London, UK 7-9/9/2010 // ISBN 0 903440 47 4, pp. 142-147.(Presentation & Extended Abstract) Speaker - V.Tsyganok
2. Kadenko, Sergey / Personnel-related decision making using ordinal expert estimates / OR-52 Keynotes and Extended Abstracts, Operational Research Society Ltd., Royal Holloway University of London, UK 7-9/9/2010 // ISBN 0 903440 47 4, pp. 178-184. Speaker - S.Kadenko